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"You do not know what your life isor what you are do...
What happens when we trust the wrong people?Brutus an...
A show about loss and rage, told by a woman and a mother. ...
Achilles tells the story of the greatest hero of the Trojan w...
“ The most growth I have had as an artist in years
“ Gave me more confidence
“ A totally world-expanding experience. Wonderful, rigorous, and gloriously focused on the human.
“ You have an ability to facilitate people to do things they think they can’t do. As someone who thought I was bad at movement and devising, I now feel unafraid, curious and joyful.
“ We were moving and connecting and dancing and singing and being human in a way that we just aren’t allowed to be in our lives anymore.
“ One of the most powerful and moving experiences I've had in relating with others