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Hey There Stranger...

4th September 2020

It's been a while since we posted an update. This is partly because we've been trying to keep our heads above water like most people in the arts right now, and partly because we haven't felt like we've had much add to what is already being eloquently expressed by others. So we've been listening, and reading, and feeding into discussions on the future of our sector, as we all figure out how to get back to doing what we do best while keeping everyone safe. After a long few months of reassessing and planning, we've finally got some news.

Firstly, we're excited to announce that we have received funding through Creative Scotland's Sustaining Creative Development Fund. As part of this work, we'll be able to revitalise our workshop programme and develop a robust business plan. We'll also be able to kickstart Ewan into development for his next solo show, this time based on Euripides' The Bacchae.

Besides all of that, we are charging forward with our production of Julius Caesar which, all fingers and toes crossed, will be coming your way in Spring 2021. We've just announced a casting call, so please have a look and spread the word if you or anyone you know is interested in working with us. For more information and how to apply, please find the full casting call and links to submit here.

Back in normal-land, we were looking forward to a summer of workshops and new project development. These things are still in the works, but will no doubt take longer to take shape. However! 2021 does mark our 10th anniversary for Winter Training, so keep your eyes open for whatever madness we can concoct this winter.

Peace, health, love. Do some sweaty running at a respectful distance and think of us.
See you soon.

Love from the Wolves x