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The End of Things Rehearsals update

8th June 2016
announcing end things 3

For our newest production, we're excited to announce a series of new collaborations. Joining the ensemble are Liz Strange, Beth Kovarik, Robin Hellier, and Emily Phillips, alongside Wolves' founding artist Jonathan Peck. Also joining our team is Linbury Prize winning designer, Ana Ines Jabares-Pita, and the producing duo Jill Smith and Kathryn Boyle who are Feral.

We're honoured to be hosted by The Work Room throughout June 2016, with the very first chances to see what we've made at the CCA 15-17 & 20-21 July. We'll take the show on tour in Spring 2017 - details to follow….

In the meantime, here are some photos from the show's development at The Work Room.

Supported by The National Lottery through Creative Scotland

in association with The Work Room and CCA