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First performances of The Bacchae

13th October 2023

We were so excited to open our eighth full performance to fantastic audiences in Banchory and St Andrews.

The Bacchae is a solo performance based on Eurypides' play, adapted and written by Ewan Downie.

All our love to the whole creative team who made it possible under the most difficult of circumstances. The show's director Ian Spink passed away just after its premiere, and we will always perform this show in loving memory of him.

We couldn't be prouder of what we made together, and are setting things in motion to hopefully tour this show across Scotland in 2025.

Here are some things people had to say:

“Passionate performance. A lot to remember.”

“Courageous. Thrilling. Timeless.”

“Marvelous – so much more than I expected. It was a glimpse into another world.”

“Really engaging and mesmerizing”

“Tour de force”

“The company is clearly committed to producing top quality theatre. I want to see more of their work.”

“Unexpected. Provocative. Multi-layered.”

“Beautiful … That was an incredible performance”


“Almost a spiritual experience”

“Your work matters. I feel washed by the experience.”