Over the next 9 months, Ewan will once again be collaborating with Al Seed and Alex Rigg to offer the Embodied Theatre Annual Residency - six weeks of intensive physical theatre training in 3 blocks.
Deadline for applications is: 5pm, Friday 23rd October 2015
The course will take place in Glasgow (venues TBC) 10am – 5pm each day on the following dates:
Block 1
7nd - 11th December 2015
14th – 18th December 2015
Block 2
15th -19th February 2016
22nd - 26th February 2016
Block 3
2nd – 6th May 2016
9th – 13th May 2016
For full details and how to apply follow this link:
The Embodied Theatre Annual Residency (2015/16)
Image: Oceanallover