archives: #Reviews

Kristin Linklater Review - A Brief History of Evil
15th November 2016

Achilles - an ending and a beginning
19th February 2018

Julius Caesar

The End Of Things

A Brief History of Evil

Invisible Empire


Seven Hungers


The Bacchae
“ Sinister yet playful… sympathetic and witty despite the undertow of horror.
“ You’re caught up in the downward spiral of its characters; the eerie spoken word and seductive physicality sucking you in in spite of your growing discomfort.
“ Violent. Sensual. Nightmarish.
“ Bizarre and haunting… oddly lovely, at times maddening, and touching.
“ Visually stimulating, incredible actors & laughed like hell!
“ Languorous and visceral, decadent and intense. Loved it.
“ An amazingly powerful performance – deeply touching, metaphorical, disturbing, awakening. A thought provoking, insightful, disturbing commentary on the human condition, what it means to be consciously alive and connected. Thank you.
“ The most growth I have had as an artist in years
“ Gave me more confidence
“ A totally world-expanding experience. Wonderful, rigorous, and gloriously focused on the
“ You have an ability to facilitate people to do things they think they can’t do. As someone who thought I was bad at movement and devising, I now feel unafraid, curious and joyful.
“ One of the most powerful and moving experiences I've had in relating with others
“ an understated triumph that makes the play feel as though it was written for this moment.
“ The show was so stimulating that the audience very literally demanded an impromptu post-show discussion with the company.
“ No adequate words — overwhelming. Wonderful.
“ recounted in unsparing, gruesomely poetic detail… with muscular, visual eloquence… the songs carry a powerful spiritual resonance and are performed with real depth of expression.
“ a tightly-reined narrative that lands all the right emotional punches… a bold, unconstrained outpouring of pain and loss that drags the audience right into the heart of Achilles’ agony.
“ Chillingly memorable.
“ So so so good. We need more theatre like this. Phenomenal storytelling, performance, engagement, pathos, and all in 45 minutes! MORE PLEASE!!
“ Lighthearted yet devilishly dark… A powerful exploration of our inner evil.
“ I thought it was brilliant to see this sort of performance in a little community like ours! I thought it was disturbing at times, and beautiful too. I laughed a bit – sometimes with incredulity. Food, love, lust and violence – just what you need on a Saturday night.
“ I had to restrain myself from shrieking because it was just so damn exciting. I don’t remember when I last felt so exhilarated! It was like a whip cracking onstage – totally mesmerizing and intrinsically powerful.
“ Spellbinding food for thought
“ One of the most beautiful and intriguing pieces of art that I have ever seen
“ A stunning mixture of the elemental and the human
“ I’ll keep thinking about this
“ Beautifully vulnerable. Intensely emotional. Gripping.
“ Mind-blowing
“ Anna Porubcansky’s… looping and overlaying of recorded layers and real-time vocalisings echoed the complex layers of a woman caught in a swithering vortex of choices and desires.
“ a brave and eloquent exposure of the extreme tensions of modern motherhood
“ Mesmerising
“ Courageous. Thrilling. Timeless.
“ An incredible performance
“ Luminous
“ an understated triumph that makes the play feel … it was written for this moment
“ A cry from the dark that lingers
“ - That was lovely!
- I think it was French
“ Beautiful. Emotional. Hypnotic. Powerful. Trance-like. The connection between the performers and space and audience felt magical – other worldly.
“ We were moving and connecting and dancing and singing and being human in a way that we just aren’t allowed to be in our lives anymore.
“ Raw. Intense. Real.
“ Bold and Brave
“ ... these are simply powerful young female actors, flexing their creative muscles on some of the greatest male characters ever written. ****
“ A fresh take on Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar creates some thought-provoking parallels with the present day. ****
“ Slow, beautiful chaos
“ It’s not often that a show leaves an audience sitting in silence for two minutes after the cast has left…
“ Makes you question everything… A mind-opening experience of the senses.
“ Brilliant... My kids will always remember their first Shakespeare play.
“ an absorbing discovery… rich in drama and emotional resonance
“ Genuinely powerful… a captivating portrait of a woman caught in the dissonance of contradictory desires.
“ Compelling to the end... SO GLAD I SAW THIS.
“ Superb, even gathered and kept the attention of a teenager... can there be greater kudos?